Become an DITEP or FRIDAY Instructor
Become a FRIDAY Instructor
If you have DWI enforcement experience and would like to submit an application to become an instructor next fiscal year (which begins October 1st) please follow the link below and submit an application.
Instructors are scored on the following criteria:
- Successfully completed an 8 Hour FRIDAY Class
- Completed an SFST Refresher update within the last two years
- Level of TCOLE certification
- Instructor’s certificate
- A demonstrated interest in the field of underage drinking prevention
- Knowledge of Word and Power Point
- Proven speaking ability
- Positive role model within the agency and community
- Geographical location
- Commissioned by a Texas agency
Become a DITEP Instructor
If you are a current Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Instructor, a current DRE who is an SFST Instructor, or a current DRE who is a TCOLE Instructor and has extensive instructional experience and would like to become a DITEP Instructor next fiscal year (which begins October 1st), please follow the link below and submit an application.
Submit the following to the Lead DITEP/FRIDAY Staff Instructor:
- Curricula Vitae
- List of references with contact emails and phone numbers
Additional Criteria:
- Be in good standing with your department
- Knowledge and experience with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint
- Extensive instructional experience
- To complete the process, all applicants must be approved by the DECP State Coordinator.