DITEP – Hutto (1-Day Training)

Hutto ISD 200 College Street, Hutto, TX, United States

The DITEP program is designed primarily for administrators, teachers, school resource officers, counselors, nurses and education trainers in the academic setting.  This 8 hour course is meant for those who have previously attended the two day training and need updated information and hands on practice with a DITEP trainer. For more information about the course […]



HEB ISD 1848 Central Drive, Bedford, TX, United States

The DITEP program is designed primarily for administrators, teachers, school resource officers, counselors, nurses and education trainers in the academic setting.  This 8-hour course is meant for those who have […]


DITEP – El Paso

Mission Valley Regional Command Center 9011 Escobar, El Paso, TX, United States

The DITEP program is designed primarily for administrators, teachers, school resource officers, counselors, nurses and education trainers in the academic setting.  This 8-hour course is meant for those who have […]


DITEP (2-Day Training) – El Paso

Pebble Hills Regional Command Center 10,780 Pebble Hills, El Paso, TX, United States

The DITEP program is designed primarily for administrators, teachers, school resource officers, counselors, nurses and education trainers in the academic setting.   This FREE two-day class will provide school personnel detailed information on how to recognize impairment, evaluate the individual, and address that impairment with parents. Along with that information, there will be hands-on training in […]


DITEP (2-Day Training) – Austin

ESC Region 13 5701 Springdale Road, Austin, TX, United States

DITEP Two-Day Course Description The DITEP program is designed primarily for administrators, teachers, school resource officers, counselors, nurses and education trainers in the academic setting.   This FREE two-day class will […]


FRIDAY – Wichita Falls

Vernon College Law Enforcement Academy 2813 Central Freeway E., Wichita Falls

The FRIDAY program is specifically designed to serve as continuing education for law enforcement officers. This 8-hour class includes topics such as the Alcoholic Beverage Code, Alcohol’s Effect on Brain […]


DITEP (2-Day Training) – San Antonio

Education Service Center (ESC) 20 1314 Hines, San Antonio, TX, United States

The DITEP program is designed primarily for administrators, teachers, school resource officers, counselors, nurses and education trainers in the academic setting.   This FREE two-day class will provide school personnel detailed […]


DITEP (2-Day Training) – El Paso

Environmental Services Dept. - Cotton Patch Room 7968 San Paulo Dr., El Paso, TX, United States

The DITEP program is designed primarily for administrators, teachers, school resource officers, counselors, nurses and education trainers in the academic setting.   This FREE two-day class will provide school personnel detailed […]


DITEP – El Paso

Pebble Hills Regional Command Center 10,780 Pebble Hills, El Paso, TX, United States

The DITEP program is designed primarily for administrators, teachers, school resource officers, counselors, nurses and education trainers in the academic setting.  This 8-hour course is meant for those who have […]



Shirleen Zacharias Early College Leadership Academy 7790 E. 3rd Street, Somerset

The DITEP program is designed primarily for administrators, teachers, school resource officers, counselors, nurses and education trainers in the academic setting.  This 8-hour course is meant for those who have […]


DITEP – Manor

Manor ISD 312 W. Murray Ave, Manor, TX, United States

The DITEP program is designed primarily for administrators, teachers, school resource officers, counselors, nurses and education trainers in the academic setting.  This 8-hour course is meant for those who have […]


FRIDAY – Galveston

GISD Educational Support Center Annex Bldg 3904 Ave T, Galveston, TX, United States

The FRIDAY program is specifically designed to serve as continuing education for law enforcement officers. This 8-hour class includes topics such as the Alcoholic Beverage Code, Alcohol’s Effect on Brain […]
