Focus on Reducing Impaired Driving Among Youth
FRIDAY Program Overview
The purpose of the FRIDAY (Focus on Reducing Impaired Driving Among Youth) program is to provide law enforcement officers with all of the tools necessary to reduce underage drinking in Texas. The FRIDAY program has been developed under the guidance of law enforcement officers, the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, school district officers, the Texas Department of Transportation and staff from the Texas Municipal Police Association.
Curriculum in this Course:
This FREE 8 hour class includes topics such as the Alcoholic Beverage Code, Alcohol’s Effect on Brain Development, and Investigative Techniques/Enforcement Options related to underage drinking and underage impaired driving.
- Alcohol and Youth
- Drug Trends
- Counterfeit Identification
- Case Law and Codes
- Enforcement and Prevention Techniques
Who is the course for?
The FRIDAY program is specifically designed to serve as continuing education for law enforcement officers.
Officers who successfully complete the course will receive 8 hours of TCOLE credit (#6017).
What people are saying:
"I am extremely grateful for your generosity. Several students in this group called me after this class and raved about how much they got out of the class. They were thanking me for arranging the class. (This is highly unusual; particularly for a class that's held on their day off)."
I wanted to share a phone conversation I had yesterday. A student in one of my FRIDAY classes a couple of weeks ago, asked me to call her in reference to a fake driver's license. She told me that her agency had taken possession of a found wallet that had been turned in. When they examined the driver's license to determine the owner, they noticed something "wasn't right". They noticed some "shadowing" around the birth date, but everything else looked normal. They used the magnifying glass provided in the FRIDAY class to determine that what should have been microprint was actually just black lines and scribble. When they checked the license, they determined that all of the information on the license was correct - only the date of birth date was changed to make the person 21. They were also able to determine that the owner was a college student from the Dallas area and admitted to having a "contact" at school that made the fake IDs. They have turned the case over to DPS. High reviews and test scores from the classes you teach mean a lot, but nothing compares to hearing about someone actually applying what they learned in the field and having it work out for them. I just wanted to let you know that the classes and the tools that are provided during the classes are making a difference.